Here the student will write, read, edit, create images, design covers, etc.
With the help of other published authors, the student will become a published author by the end of the project. When the book is published, the student will learn how to create sales channels, promote the book, participate in fairs, and follow its performance.
Which university wouldn’t like to have a published author within its student body?
Prolific researchers, businessmen & businesswomen, and published authors had to start somewhere!
Imagine the prestige the student will have once he or she has published several books. Universities & Companies will brawl to count with their talents.
Support their careers by giving them all the necessary skills that can help them thrive.
All this while having fun, sharing experiences, and creating something it’s their own.
The student will be expected to hand in progressive accounts of his or her project.
The assigned professional advisor will edit and help the students realize, learn, and correct their own mistakes.
The student will plan alongside the advisor every step of the text. The advisor will create a time chart and a progress report to ensure time and resource maximization.
After the interior is done, the rest is “easy peasy”. Book cover design, publishing procedures, selling channels, book promotions, and why not… book tours!
We will publish the masterpiece on our own website and on all the well-known retail selling websites.